Thirty minutes of brisk walking, three or more times a week, can lower your resting systolic blood pressure.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends adults get 2.5 hours of moderate effort exercise per week. Or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise per week. "Regular physical activity can greatly affect blood pressure, and effects can be immediate." (Source)
According to the American Heart Association, only 1 in 5 adults get enough exercise to maintain proper health. Factors include lack of time or physical abilities to exercise. Thus doctors recommend walking as a way to begin an exercise routine. Walking doesn't require any special abilities and has minimal risks for injury.

A study of 65 hypertensive subjects was conducted to see the affects of walking on blood pressure. The subjects had to walk 30-60 minutes a day for four weeks. And in that time, although short, the subjects' blood pressures had decreased as a result of walking. (1)
Another study involving 24 borderline to hypertensive women, followed the CDC recommended 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, measured the affects on the women's blood pressures. Nine women in the study did not change they physical activities and their BP numbers remained constant. The other fifteen women added a 3 km walk to their day (about 30 minutes at a brisk pace). At 12 weeks the women who added the 3 km walk had an average of 6 mm Hg lower systolic BP and at 24 weeks they lowered their systolic BP an additional 5 mm Hg. (2)

Thus the benefits of walking 30 minutes a day are important in lowering one's blood pressure or preventing it from rising. The most important take away from these studies is not being sedentary. Any exercise is better than no exercise. And consistency is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and healthy heart. Check out our video "5 Health Benefits of Walking".